It became the 'Blood-Stained Banner.' But, even though these versionsĭiffer from the one we see today, the Southern Cross is still widely regarded Misconstrued as a surrender flag, a red stripe was added to the right side and 'Stainless Banner.' When the Stainless Banner began being Originally, the cross was sewn into the upper leftĬorner of a white banner, and this version of the flag was known as the Of its stars represent the 11 states that made up the Confederacy, plus The cross is known as the 'Southern Cross' and each That the symbol we know as the Confederate flag wasn't the official flag of theĬonfederate army.
Of the Confederate flag often claim 'Heritage not Hate,' and will say To back down from their historic opposition to civil rights and claim that theįlag only symbolized Southern heritage rather than racism and white supremacy. Then, in 2000, fresh protests over the issue led South Carolina lawmakers In 1961, the flag was flown over the South Carolina stateĬapitol to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Civil War and also to showīlatant disapproval of the Civil Rights Movement that was going on at the same January of 2000 in The Columbia Spectator, the Confederate flag has beenĭisputed before.